Objective: To grow Rotary by supporting membership development, outreach and retention, encouraging and promoting club extensions and identifying new club opportunities.
To grow Rotary by supporting membership development, outreach and retention, encouraging and promoting club extensions and identifying new club opportunities. Rotary Clubs may extend their reach by inviting prospective new members to visit and join their club by offering a Club Extension. Club Extensions meet on a different day of the week, time, location and may have a different mission focus that members may be more passionate about being involved with. Over 12 Rotary Clubs in District 6000 currently have an active Extension club and the list of those clubs and their contact member is at the link on the left. If you are interested in learning more about alternative Club Extension opportunities refer to the two-page best management practices handout link on the left. If you have any questions, feel free to contact any of the district membership tri-chairs list below.
Steve Wieneke, Co-Chair
C) 515-250-0507
Larry Thein, Co-Chair
C) 563-386-7740
C) 515-313-6239