If you are on Facebook, you have seen impersonations of your friends, and maybe even yourself! In an attempt to stifle that ongoing problem, Facebook uses automated systems to search for impersonations and shut them down. Unfortunately, that has become a problem for some Rotary clubs and districts, including our own District 6000 page two years ago. Over the last few years there have been hundreds of club and district Facebook pages that have been removed by this automated system. The removals are based on "impersonating" Rotary International - however this is not a Rotary International issue. This is from Facebook and getting the page restored can be difficult because of the automated systems. Here are some guidelines and instructions on how to attempt to recover your page: Facebook Page Help.
If you haven't had your page removed, we want to make sure you are in the best position to prevent this from happening. Do not use the Master Brand (WHEEL) as your profile picture! Use your club logo that includes your Rotary Club of NAME instead. Use the Brand Center or find your clubs logo on our Logos and Branding Page. Please refrain from searching the internet and use pictures found from other sights. Logos from other sights may not be in compliance with Rotary International's Brand Guidelines. Remember, if the "wheel" is Gold and Blue - then it is OLD, not NEW!