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A District Grant (DG) is a block grant to District 6000 from The Rotary Foundation. This grant is a tool that District 6000 uses to support short-term projects initiated by our clubs called Community Service Grants. Funds are distributed to clubs through application to the District 6000 Committee which decides the merit of each application and the degree to which they should be funded.
Community Service Grant Applications must be received by the due date on the application; late applications will not be accepted. The D6000 Committee will review applications and select proposals for funding at their meeting. Due to the large number of applications received and the limited amount of money available the process has become competitive. The criteria are used to evaluate each application is at left. Due to the way these criteria are structured, grants viewed as humanitarian in nature will likely be funded in preference to civic projects. While Rotary has a rich history of both humanitarian and civic work, the committee looks to the Rotary Foundation for guidance in allocating these funds.
We hope the early selection process will allow most clubs receiving a grant to complete their project by June 30 in the Rotary year that the grant was awarded. The awarded funds are distributed as soon as they are received from Rotary International. There is a maximum US$ limit of $5000 per club and each club must provide a match of least one dollar cash or sweat equity for each dollar awarded.
Community Service Grants must adhere to policies that govern all Rotary Foundation grant programs and also abide by District guidelines. Please become familiar with these rules. When clubs apply for grants that do not correspond with these terms and conditions, it only causes frustrations on the part of the applying club and the Grant committee who has to live by the guidelines set out by Rotary International.
Please, do not feel intimidated by the granting process. We have tried to make it as straightforward and user friendly as we can. We have a highly respected Foundation and the checks and balances Rotary has in place are designed to maintain that reputation.
If you have questions please contact
Gretchen Nollman
C) 319-541-1462
Todd Wheeler
C) 515-344-1476